all you can ever do is offer. every image a Buddha image, every offering a Buddha offering…! no matter how small or mundane or dirty or busted or misguided or whatever, so long as it’s given with a whole heart.

the most extravagant gift given thoughtlessly, with no heart, is meaningless.

the sacrifice that breaks the altar is rendered powerless, with no threshold to cross into divinity.

anything offered that is beyond your ability to give is a falsehood, intentionally or not.

so what does that leave? only what you -can- offer, and what you are -willing- to offer. which is enough by its nature and regardless of its qualities, simply because no other offering would be proper.

appreciating your thoughts about “stability” which is such a ghost concept to me lately. sustain-ability… response-ability… those seem more manifest, more solid and tangible. good food for thoughts.

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In response : as noted - it has been a major working towards letting that "Sustainability" be what is transformed through me - only by working with the living manifest of "stability"...

If you are at the recognition of these 'ability's... may they guide towards what they teach... what they offer...

I'm curious... "the sacrifice that breaks the altar is rendered powerless, with no threshold to cross into divinity." - is it the alter or the sacrifice that is rendered powerless? Or, perhaps - both as they transcend the false intentionality mingled within each other?

All in All : Thank you! Feeding more food for thought to these transitional translations...

May all we Offer - Be all we Are.

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thank you. to answer your question i think both, because then both sacrifice and altar are rendered purposeless. the heavy hand is reckless even when it's sincere. and overdoing it on an offering destroys both the one who offers and the trust of the one it is offered to... nothing can pass between them after.

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